Rock candy

Rock candy

A kid-favorite candy or science experiment or both


  • 4 cups granulated sugar
  • 1.33 cups water
  • couple drops of food coloring (optional)
  • 0.25 to 1 tsp extract or flavoring (optional)
  • Some sticks or roasting/cotton string and paperclips
  • One 1-quart wide-mouth canning jar


  1. Set the sticks or strings in water for a few minutes, then roll in sugar. Allow to dry. This gives the candy something to form on.
  2. Make a simple syrup on the stove with the sugar, water, and any colors or flavors. Stir until smooth and hot, then keep stirring for another couple of minutes with the heat off.
  3. Pour into a clean glass jar, then put the strings or sticks in. Put the jar somewhere it won’t shake much.
  4. Wait … a week or so?


  • More sticks = smaller candies
  • To reuse syrup, reboil with an additional quarter to half cup of sugar.