
Checking capabilities changes at PR

bincapz is an open-source utility that enumerates predicted binary capabilities for both compiled and scripting languages (more here ). Even before the recent problems with the xz compression library (CVE-2024-3094 ), it’s a fast and insightful check to run automatically in a pull request to highlight any changes in what a program can be expected to do.

pr-check-light pr-check-dark 🤖 hey human, you should take a look at this

It occupies a difficult-to-cover “middle ground” between static analysis and a full malware detection suite. Perhaps it could catch subterfuge or malicious inside behavior, but it’s just as likely to catch unintended consequences of a code change. Both are important to call out during a code review.

The problem is bincapz is not easy to integrate into GitHub Actions, where a lot of open source development takes place. Let’s fix that!

Here’s the project! some-natalie/bincapz-action

Building the Action

The bincapz tool, and all dependencies, are already compiled available in the package repos for Wolfi , so a simple apk add for a few packages gets us most of the way there. I’d originally attempted to install yara and Go, then compile it on each run. The dependency problems due to the mismatch of Yara versions between what it wants and what’s available in Ubuntu Jammy got to be gross. A pre-built container was the simplest and most portable solution.

The script gets gnarly with jq and sed to parse the outputs from each individual file into a unified report for the project. No additional scripting was needed beyond that.

The code is available in the Actions repository for inspection.

To use it, GitHub Actions will pull the latest pre-built container and run it. This gives me flexibility from what’s available in the managed Ubuntu runners. As bincapz is still under active development, the container is built daily.

Using it

The idea was that inputs and outputs should be as un-opinionated as possible as a step in a project’s CI/CD pipeline. At a high level, it looks like this:

flowchart LR
    subgraph Inputs
    A(workdir<br>/path/to/workdir) --> D(fab:fa-github GitHub Actions<br>compile if needed)
    B(format<br>markdown, yaml, or json) --> D
    C(files<br>#quot;list of files#quot;) --> D
    D --> E(fab:fa-docker Wolfi container<br>bincapz)
    E --> F(<br>bincapz-results.yaml<br>bincapz-results.json)
    subgraph Outputs
    F --> G(upload as<br>release artifact)
    F --> H(comment in<br>pull request)
    F --> I(Actions step summary)
    F --> J( ... literally anything else! 🤯)

The inputs are pretty flexible to allow for a variety of use cases:

  • workdir - the path to the directory to run bincapz in. It defaults to $, but it can change to only look at a subdirectory or to have multiple versions of the code checked out.
  • format - by default it’s a table in markdown, but you can also use yaml or json. It will output a single file with all results in it.
  • files - a list of files to check. Default is all files in the working directory that aren’t in ~/.git. However, some projects may only want some files so it also supports a string separated by whitespace, like so files: "./file1 ./dir/file2 ./file3".


It outputs a single file, so what happens from there is up to you! Here’s a few ideas:

actions-step-light actions-step-dark sometimes you don’t need to keep results forever, just see it for a while

The results of each run are not going automatically fail the PR on any changes. The goal is only to call attention to capability changes. Examples of each output type are available here:

The results format may change due to the upstream project further developing it and/or the repository may move into Chainguard’s organization as this matures.

Air-gap usage

While the container is rebuilt daily, any individual version should remain effective reasonably long into the future. Here’s what you’ll need to pull across:

  1. Download the container and fling it into your air-gapped environment’s OCI-compliant container registry. Make the image accessible without credentials to download it.
  2. Download the repository and fling it into your air-gapped environment’s GitHub Enterprise Server installation. Use skilled-teleportation to move other Actions in bulk or use actions-sync to do them one-by-one, but make sure to note what organization you’re syncing into.
  3. Edit your copy of the repository’s action.yml file to point to the image in your container registry instead of the GitHub Packages registry.
  4. Cut a new release of your copy, say v1. (docs )
  5. Use it in a workflow as uses: new-org/bincapz-action@v1 where new-org is the organization you synced the repository into.

The runner to use has a few minimum requirements as well.

  • A Linux runner with Docker installed and available to run the container.
  • The runner will also need everything to compile the code you want to scan or download the artifacts you’ve already built.
  • If using actions-runner-controller , make sure to use a runner scale set that has runner-container-hooks configured.


I work at Chainguard as a solutions engineer at the time of writing this. All opinions are my own.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.